Friday, August 19, 2011

Luxury or Necessity?

I don’t know if it’s the economic downturn or just my reassessment of important things since starting this new venture.  In thinking of all of the responsibilities I hold for my family, work, friends, even Chickadee, I try to remain practical and think if what I’m buying or doing is a luxury or necessity.  For example, if I have a cleaning lady, is that a luxury?  Perhaps. But if having her allows me to spend more time with my husband and daughters (and start my new Papery!!), then it really is a necessity to me.  Ok, take Starbucks.  I have a friend who goes there every day; is this a luxury?  Perhaps. But if that’s her “moment” each day to unwind or prepare for everything else that the day/life brings, then it’s a necessity for her (especially since that’s the only thing she does for herself that’s “luxurious”).

As you’ll see when the blogs continue to roll out, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite sites and finds (of course, I’ll always try to include a coupon); some of these are simple luxuries for busy moms, some are absolute necessity!  I hope you’ll share yours with me if you find anything good so I can post it.  And remember, when you send a cute or thoughtful note on pretty paper, knowing how the person will feel once (s)he receives it…absolutely a necessity!


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